Driving again and next steps
What has happened over the last 12 months? It’s been 12 months since our last website update on Ben’s VW Multivan. At that time, the Space Drive Technology modification process was about to commence at the modifier’s Hornsby Heights premises in Sydney. An integral part of that process involved custom fitting Ben’s power wheelchair to the control system positioning so he could comfortably access existing … Continue reading Driving again and next steps

Modifying the van for Ben to drive
Ben’s multivan finally went in for its 3 to 4 month driver modification process on Monday 14th May. A lot more engineering work to come prior to the installation of the imported space drive technology. Ben will be required to visit PME within the next 4 weeks so that the modifiers can custom fit his … Continue reading Modifying the van for Ben to drive

Roadblocks ahead
Permission to drive Following his OT driving assessment and medical clearance, Ben was given the green light by NSW Roads and Maritime Services (RMS) to obtain a learners permit (superseding his previous open license obtained prior to his accident). Ben went out on the road, driving a prototype vehicle with space drive technology, supervised by … Continue reading Roadblocks ahead
Ben’s driving assessment
Ben had his long awaited OT Driving Assessment in October 2016, and it went really well. Ben is behind the wheel in the photos on this page. The photos also show Ben driving on the open road. You cannot see his face as the windows are closed but you imagine him smiling! Ben was behind the wheel with … Continue reading Ben’s driving assessment
Ben’s modifed van ready
Thanks to the generosity of family and friends, in late May 2015 we were finally able to fulfil our dream to put Ben in the front seat of his own modified van. Stage One: Ben in the front seat Twelve months after the VW multivan was ordered from Germany, Ben’s new wheels arrived in port in December 2014. Max then … Continue reading Ben’s modifed van ready
Ben is Finally Home !
Ben left the Royal Ryde Rehab Centre to finally return home on Thursday 22nd May 2014. This is more than 13 months since Ben’s horrible accident. The home modifications needed to make Ben’s home compliant were largely completed in May 2014. The building work included a number of special requirements such as ramps and railings, … Continue reading Ben is Finally Home !
Wheels for Ben
The process of trialling / researching vehicles that complied with Ben’s ongoing needs commenced some time ago. Choosing a suitable vehicle has been complex but ultimately Ben’s decision. Considerations including size, engine capacity, safety, comfort /suspension, ability to future modify for Ben to drive, passenger and luggage capacity, height restrictions, etc have meant that this process was going to … Continue reading Wheels for Ben
Fundraising Auction
Our first fundraising event took place at Sydney’s Greengate Hotel on 20th October 2013. The format was a fundraising auction of live and silent auction items kindly donated by some of Australia’s leading corporates and sporting identities from motor racing, rugby union, rugby league, cricket and from the English Premier League Club, Tottenham. 300 guests turned out to … Continue reading Fundraising Auction